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A variety of equestrian and Buddhist monastery festivals celebrated year-round

Follow the turquoise blue Yamdrok Lake to the hauntingly beautiful town of Gyantse for a glimpse of an irretrievably lost era.  This town has survived the ravages of time and man and still retains its Tibetan character.  Cimb up to Gyantse Dzong (religious and administrative centers), perched high above town.  The panorama of the walled city From here is one of the most breathtaking views of any settlement in Tibet.  View living monasteries, yak herders and the dramatic Tibetan plateau. Drive past some spectacular high mountain scenery to Lhasa to visit the Jokhang Temple and Barkhor Bazaar, which provides a pilgrims path around the Temple.


Lhasa * Tsedang * Gyantse * Shigatse * Lhasa 

Trip Details

8 Days

Tour Price
From $3650

Photo credit

Susan Evoy & Jefferson DeLisio

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